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Crossing Design Workshop

at Cal Poly Pomona

Safe Wildlife Crossing Designs for

Interstate 15, Temecula, CA

On November 17th, our Senior Project with very appreciated help from The Nature Conservatory, successfully held Crossing Design Workshop at Cal Poly Pomona with the aim to gain feedback from industry professionals in various wildlife and engineering fields. This workshop encouraged us to think outside of common California pedestrian construction and reminded us of who our clients are, the California Mountain Lions and other native wildlife. From this experience we as a Senior Project have been able to enhance our original designs, come up with more inventive engineering solutions, and expand our original project to include all passageways as a system of wildlife crossings of the Temecula Interstate 15. We look forward to more development and more feedback to improve upon our Senior Project. Each design team created an individual summary of their feedback from the workshop and is linked below. Our presentation given at the Crossing Design Workshop is linked below.

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