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Scope of Work:

Interstate 15 Wildlife Crossing

The work to be performed by Cal Poly Pomona faculty and students (or, the CPP team) in the form of a senior project and/or a special course aims to supplement the work by the University of California Davis -  Wildlife Health Center (UCD-WHC team) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to contribute critical information needed for the development of a Wildlife Connectivity Infrastructure Plan for the SA-ePR LR linkage region, especially as regards I-15, as recommended by the Tri-County Interagency Working Group. In specific, the main scope of work by the CPP team contains the following tasks:

1. In addition to the assessment done by the UCD-WHC team in conjunction with scientist from TNC, the CPP team will also perform the needed on-the-ground examinations to evaluate crossing locations from the perspective of technical feasibility of adding directional fencing, culvert or bridge modifications, sound buffering concepts, or new crossing structure construction.

2. The CPP team will collaborate with the UCD-WHC team, TNC, local partners, wildlife crossing experts and stakeholders and other highway engineers, to assess feasibility of infrastructure changes being considered, prioritize the proposed changes, and develop conceptual design and placement specifications for any modifications.

3. The CPP team will help UCD-WHC team and TNC to develop the project report which will detail findings and recommendations for the location and design of proposed infrastructure changes for the study section of I-15.

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